No Mean Feat!

Our Annual Christmas Message | 2021

Well, it’s been a year!  A mixed bag of highs, lows, and anxious waits on the wedding front for suppliers and couples alike.  I still sometimes sit here finding it hard to comprehend all that’s actually happened in the past two years…or not happened I should maybe say!  To those of you who finally made it down the aisle this year, CONGRATULATIONS from us both…we know that was no mean feat!  We’ve seen so much support amongst the bridal community over on Instagram, and it’s been lovely (whilst also heart-breaking) reading all your messages going back and forth, if nothing else good has come from all this, we know there are new, budding friendships out there.

Thank you to all of you who have supported Bride Society throughout 2021, whether it’s been through watching our videos on YouTube, liking, subscribing, following, commenting, DM’ing, pinning, reposting…we appreciate every single thing you do as it supports our little business and lets us keep doing what we love.  If you’ve got any video requests or thoughts about what content you’d like to see from us in 2022, let us know in the comments!

We’re excited to show you what we’ve got in store for the New Year, but in the meantime, we hope you and your other half have the most magical of Christmases and we’ve got everything crossed for what 2022 will bring!

We’ll be back on January 7th at 4pm GMT!

— Rebecca & Laura at Bride Society

Bride Society

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