Q&A Christmas

Bride Society Q&A, 100 Subscriber Thank You AND Christmas Message, 2018!


It’s Christmas y’all!!!!  Sorry, I’ve been around a lot of Americans lately – it’ll wear off and I’ll go back to being middle-class British soon.

Hopefully today lots of you will be officially starting your Christmas holidays.  You’ve got that early morning alarm switched off, in fact now it’s all, “alarm, what alarm?”.  You’ve got your favourite A-Z of Christmas movies lined up with a tub of Celebrations firmly planted next to your favourite chair, your jigsaw puzzle is picked out and you’re making a bee-line for that mug(s) of mulled wine…clear the way, Christmas is coming and you’re all over it!

First up on your Christmas viewing list is hopefully our latest YouTube video!  I mean, if you’re feeling hardcore, we’re totally up for a BSoc. binge-watch, “do it, do it, do it” *coughs*.  But if you’re just easing in, check out our Christmas message – this year we’ve brought you a Q&A, answering your questions so you can get to know Laura and me (Rebecca), the heads of the Society, a little better.

Also, pretty recently Bride Society reached its first 100 subscribers on YouTube!  We could probably never truly convey just how excited we were to reach this landmark, but we want all 100 of you (and those of you who subscribed since!) to know that we genuinely appreciate the time you take to watch our videos and support us in what we do.  We hope you’ve been enjoying watching us and have picked up some helpful advice or useful ideas along the way.  We really do love hearing from you, so if you have tried any of our DIY’s let us know how you got on, send photos!  If you have any tips to share, one Bride Society member to another, we’d love to be able to pass it on.

We hope you enjoy our video.  We wish you and your fiancé(e) a joyful and relaxing Christmas and a very Happy New Year of wedding planning!

Love, Bride Society

Bride Society

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