A Peek Behind the Curtain

A Week in the Life of a Wedding Supplier – Exhibiting at a Wedding Fair

N.B. What a difference 6 weeks makes! Please note this was filmed in February before everything escalated in the UK. We hope you’re all keeping safe and staying home if you’re able to.


If you’ve ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of preparing to exhibit at a wedding fair then you’ve come to the right place! Alongside Bride Society, I (Laura) also run a wedding cake business in the East Midlands. Back in February I exhibited at the Wedding Event with a Difference in Nottingham and thought I would film the week running up to the fair to give you a glimpse of what goes on.

So get ready for a week in the life of a wedding supplier; involving a lot of chat, paint, polystyrene fake cakes, dried flowers and some actual real cake!

Despite the lovely weather in the week, unfortunately Storm Dennis hit on the day so it wasn’t ideal conditions for heading out. But that didn’t seem to put a dampener on things and lots of couples braved the storm to come and enjoy the wedding inspiration (and chat about cake!).

-Bride Society

Bride Society

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