Before You Head to Family Therapy

Handling Opinions on your Wedding Planning


Getting married is a big deal, and as you may have noticed, your wedding is a big deal to many more people than just the two of you!

Sometimes people just love giving their opinions, solicited or not.  We’ve all experienced it; you’re ill – they have a miracle cure you have to try, you’re on a dating app – they have a list of criteria for your perfect match, you’re buying a house – they’re telling you how many rooms you need and how the wall colour you want is dated, and as we all know, when it comes to the big one, parenthood, even your cat has opinions on that!  Weddings are no different.  Nothing gets family, friends, colleagues, and your next-door neighbour’s cousin going more than wedding-talk.  While it is all mostly well-meaning, sometimes people manage to forget that this day actually isn’t all about them…and well, then there’s those people who just like the sound of their own voice. 

Don’t get us wrong, sometimes input and guidance is great, but it’s all in the delivery!  We appreciate you may not have planned many weddings, so you may be looking for some help…but my guess is that’s when you buy a wedding magazine, chat to your suppliers, browse Pinterest, ask a trusted friend who will help not hinder, or even hop on our channel…finding the info on your terms, no pressure added.  We’re focusing our tips and techniques on how to handle those unsolicited, unhelpful opinions and demands that might be flying your way.  AND hopefully in a way that gets the outcome you want without alienating any friends or family.

Got any more tips?  Share them in the comments and help each other out!

Bride Society

Bride Society

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