Knowledge is Power!

If this is your first time planning a wedding, chances are you’re finding it an enjoyable, but steep learning curve.  When you’ve never done something before, how are you magically supposed to know all the ins and outs of how to do it, and how to do it well?  You get training in your new job, you read parenting books during pregnancy, so why should planning one of the biggest days of your life be any different?  Of course this is where Bride Society comes in handy, bringing you all our knowledge from having planned our own weddings – navigating the pitfalls and learning some great wedding hacks, as well as from our insider knowledge from working in the industry.


For me, my two biggest mistakes were 1) not realising just how long it would take to make everything I wanted to and 2) the one I really got caught out on, the reliability of suppliers.  I learnt the hard way that if a supplier is not being responsive (within reason!) and helpful before they have your money, there’s no way they are going to be after they’ve got it!


With that lesson learnt in mind, this week we wanted to highlight some of those most common wedding planning mistakes brides and grooms-to-be make in the run up to their wedding to help you avoid them.  Knowledge is power my friend!  Welcome to a low stress wedding!


Bride Society

Bride Society

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