How to Include Pets in Your Wedding

Typically you want your closest family and friends around you when you tie the knot, and if some of that family just so happen to have four legs, why wouldn’t you also want them there with you to share your special day?!

More and more venues are recognising the importance of including animals at weddings, so it’s becoming much easier to find pet-friendly venues.

And there are so many ways you can include your pets as part of your wedding day, both with them being there in ‘person’ (or in ‘animal‘) if your venue allows it, or incorporated in a different way, while they have their own mini-break away from the celebrations. We’re sharing a selection of ideas in this week’s video.

Plus, we have some helpful tips if you are having your pet there by your side on the Big Day. No unexpected accidents here!

Are you including your pet as part of your wedding? We’d love to hear your plans! Leave us a comment below, or head on over to Instagram.

-Bride Society

Bride Society

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