Coping with the Post Wedding Blues
Sometimes, after all the build-up and excitement of the wedding, and then the honeymoon, your ‘something blue’ can be you…the post wedding blues are real! Don’t get us wrong, we know you’re happy to be married and starting this next chapter of your life together, but now you’re back in your day-to-day routine, it’s back to reality with a bump! Nothing particular to look forward to and probably a lot less annual leave on the calendar! Ouch!
Honestly, we both felt it too and so, whilst you mostly just have to ride the post wed. wave, we have brought you some of our tried and tested tips / suggestions to help see you through the worst of it. We’ve got you!
And yes, it is perfectly acceptable to continue talking about your wedding for at least a year after it’s happened.
Got any tips of your own? Share them in the comments for other husbands and/or wives to see. Want to see what else we’ve been up to? Join us over on Instagram and Pinterest for even more content.
Love Bride Society x