How to Make a Small Wedding Extra Special for You and Your Guests

Small weddings became a necessity during the past couple of years, limited numbers of 15 or 30 meant intimate weddings became the norm, and the only way to do it, if you wanted to tie the knot.

But the end of number restrictions hasn’t ended the trend in celebrating with just your closest family and friends. In fact, small weddings seem to be on the rise! Whether down to budget, or wanting to make your budget go even further with some big splurge items.

If you’re undecided and still pondering whether or not to go down the small wedding route, you can check out our video, Pros and Perks of a Small Wedding.

BUT if you’ve made the decision and are full steam ahead with your intimate wedding plans, how can you create those little touches to make the day (or weekend celebration) that extra bit special for both you and your guests? Watch this week’s video to find out!

Are you having a small wedding? We’d love to hear all about your plans. Either leave a comment below or head on over to our Instagram page to share all the exciting details!

-Bride Society

Bride Society

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