How to Include Pets in Your Wedding

Typically you want your closest family and friends around you when you tie the knot, and if some of that family just so happen to have four legs, why wouldn’t you also want them there with you to share your… Continue reading

In Case of Emergency…

What’s in Our Wedding Day Emergency Kit *** Your wedding day will obviously be a wonderful day, but no matter how much time and effort you put into planning, there is always the risk of a couple of hiccups on… Continue reading

Heatwave or Cold Snap – Weather on your Wedding Day

The UK experienced a mini heatwave last week with temperatures rising to 38oC in some areas. This got us thinking. If you’re planning a summer wedding, or in fact a winter wedding, how can you prepare for a super hot… Continue reading

Powder My Nose

A Pamper Kit for the Powder Room *** How’s your nose looking?  Not a phrase I hear on a daily basis, but a polite way to excuse oneself whilst in polite company in days gone by was, “I’m going to… Continue reading

Good Luck Garters

Wedding Garters *** A symbol of good luck for your wedding, we’re talking wedding garters. Did you know in the past, wedding guests used to tear bits off the Bride’s wedding dress as they believed it brought good luck? Nowadays… Continue reading

Warning: Video Starts Pre-Caffeination!

Get Ready With Me: Wedding Guest It has been a glorious summer in the UK and I’m sure it’s made many Brides and Grooms very happy, as for once they have not had to contend with ‘inclement weather contingency plans’… Continue reading