Take a Peek

What’s in my Wedding Handbag…

You’ve got at least five different check lists on the go, from the ‘what’s left to do’ list to the ‘guests to chase up’ list.  In the final month before the wedding, something new is popping into your mind every other minute … something you need to get, something you need to ask the venue, someone you need to pay … believe us, lists are a life-saver at this point!  To help you prepare for your Big Day, we’re showing you what was in my Wedding Handbag – my actual one!  Showing you those little things you might want on the day, but might not occur to you until you’re lying in bed the night before to save you the mental stress of thinking all those little things through!  We do like to be helpful.


Now, obviously you are unlikely to be walking down the aisle with a bag in hand (tip: my Mum hung onto mine for me during the ceremony, ready to hand me a tissue at any given moment), but this way you’ll have your essentials ready to go and still look super-elegant when you’re caught on camera, which will be a lot, and you probably don’t want those lasting memories to be of you rifling through your reusable Aldi bag!


I know it’s been said to never look in a lady’s handbag, but on this occasion, whether it be in the name of organisation or curiosity, you can take a peek with us….



Bride Society

Bride Society

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