AI Wrote My Wedding Vows

We challenged Artificial Intelligence: ChatGPT, to write wedding vows!


The rise of AI!  We all know there’s been a lot of chatter about artificial intelligence lately…which of course made us curious…and a little bit scared (we’ve seen the movies)!  So naturally we logged in to ChatGPT to see what the hype was all about and test it out.

Writing wedding vows perhaps naturally comes to some easier than others.  Not that I’m suggesting some feel any more or any less for their partners, but that articulating your thoughts and feelings eloquently is a skill.  They are sentiments that should of course be genuine and from the heart, but sometimes it’s hard to put pen to paper (or more-so, fingers to touchscreens these days)…so perhaps a helping hand from a heartless-bot could get the ball rolling and the juices flowing, as unlikely as that sounds?

But is AI, or specifically in this case, ChatGPT, up to the challenge?  Can AI write vows that reflect human emotion, and sound genuine?  We first asked it to, “write 5 lines of sentimental vows” – watch the video to hear what it came up with.  Though naturally, vows that are romantic / sentimental are perhaps going to be the easiest to assemble from the internet as I would hazard a guess, they are the most commonly available.  So we then stepped up the challenge to see if it could convincingly handle a specific tone of vows, so we asked it to, “write 5 lines of funny wedding vows”, and well, it did!  Watch here to hear them!

Finally we threw the AI one more curveball…could it write vows specifically appropriate for a second marriage?  We wondered, could it adapt its language in such a way that would work for someone wanting to subtly reference their previous life experience & how it has informed their current path?  Take a look and let us know what you think?

What’s your verdict?  Would you have known an AI wrote these vows?  Whilst we’re not suggesting for a second that you simply lift what the AI spits out as your vows, arguably it could be a very useful tool for ideas, inspiration and structure.  S C A R Y !  Will you be saying, “I do” to AI?

Thanks for watching/reading.  We hope you enjoyed our AI challenge.  Any questions or video requests, please comment here or on any of our platforms, we’ll do our best to help.

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–Rebecca and Laura at Bride Society.

Bride Society

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