Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Debunking Wedding Lies & Myths


We’ve all heard them, “don’t say ‘wedding’ it doubles the cost”, or, “you’ll get a feeling when you find ‘THE dress’ [wedding dress]” …there are countless lies, myths and outright porkies that people will say to you whilst you’re wedding planning.  So many of them only seem to serve to create stress and worry, so having been through the entire process of planning weddings from start to finish ourselves, we are here to debunk and tell it to you straight. 

…And guess what, neither of us got ‘the feeling’ dress shopping…great if you do, but you’re not alone if you don’t, there’s nothing wrong with you!

Walk this way to your stress relief…

Got any questions or video requests? Leave them in the comments below and we’ll do our best to help. Share the wedding lies you’ve been told with us over on Instagram: @bridesociety_uk, we’d love to hear what else is being said and try to help!

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