Depending on where you read (and we’re not sure how reputable the sources are) anywhere from 15% to 25% of engagements supposedly happen over the festive period. And while we can’t back up any of those stats, we do agree that the festive season does also mean an increase in proposals. So you may just be finding us now after saying yes to that very important question very recently. Congratulations and welcome! After our reintroduction last week and a whirlwind tour of our YouTube channel and what you can expect from Bride Society, we thought we’d continue with content for the newly engaged and answer some questions to help kick start your wedding planning.
We asked over on our Instagram page recently what questions you had if you’ve just found yourself newly engaged, or, if you’ve been planning your wedding for a while, what questions you had at the start of your wedding planning journey that might help those who find themselves there now. And you didn’t let us down!
If you have other questions, we might have a video about that topic already on our channel, or if not, we’d be happy to make one! We always welcome video suggestions. Feel free to pop any in the comments below.
– Rebecca and Laura – Bride Society.