Wedding Trends for 2023

2023 Wedding Trend Predictions


Usually, at the end of the summer, as the days start getting colder, the nights start drawing in and we get that ‘back to school’ feeling, we know it’s time to sit down and look ahead to the new year. Not to wish away time, the year flies by fast enough as it is! But to look at what seems to be cropping up more and more in weddings and predicting what will be the main trends in the wedding world over the following year.

So grab a hot cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate (delete as appropriate) as it’s time for our annual look ahead. From big sleeves, statement florals, crisp walls(!) and the impact of the current world financial meltdown on wedding decisions, here’s our round up of the wedding trends we’ll be seeing a lot more of in 2023.

Do you agree with our trend predictions? Have you noticed any other trends about to explode in 2023? And are you featuring anything we’ve mentioned in your own wedding? Let us know in the comments below!

-Bride Society

Bride Society

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