Your Wedding Website Checklist

The essential details, plus the extras, to include on your wedding website!


We hope you’ve been having a lovely time planning your wedding so far, hopefully there’s not been too many bumps in the road…no unsolicited opinions on your venue choice / no demands over which relatives HAVE to be invited / no hair pulling over balancing the budget spreadsheet (we can dream!).  Now you’re coming up to the exciting stage of figuring out your wedding invitations (things are about to get REAL!) and perhaps you’re also starting to contemplate a wedding website. 

Firstly, do you really need one?  Well, no!  Surprised to hear us say that?  Well, this definitely falls under the ‘extra touches’ / ‘going the extra mile’ category of wedding activities.  Your wedding can and will still happen if you choose not to have one, believe me, weddings happened without them for years – my Mum will back me up on this.  So, if you’re already feeling overwhelmed with the volume of tasks in front of you and the idea of creating your own website for your wedding doesn’t sound appealing…just don’t do it!  You’ll be fine, it’s all good I promise!

If you’re feeling curious and in the ‘could be swayed either way’ camp, then here’s why you might want to shimmy on over to the, ‘let’s make one’ camp:

  1. They can help ward off a myriad of questions from guests in the run up to the big day, when let’s be honest, you’ve got other things you need to be doing.  Like, literally anything else.
  2. If guests misplace their invite and can’t remember where they’re supposed to be and when, they’ll likely still have the website tab open on their phones.  That, or you / your Mum can really quickly re-send the website link via text.
  3. If you have invitees who live abroad, a website RSVP is much more efficient and reliable.
  4. Easy, automatic tracking of RSVPs.
  5. A quick way to communicate up-to-date information with your guests should plans alter or evolve.
  6. No more trying to squeeze every little detail onto your wedding invitations.  We want them to be stylish!
  7. An opportunity to give guests additional information that you know would be helpful, but wouldn’t normally be included when only sending the traditional, written invitation.
  8. Or you simply want to save on the RSVP stamps and Postie mileage!

Sold?  Great!  There’s so much choice out there that I’m confident you’ll find something to meet your needs. 

…If you’re now keen to make sure you’ve remembered all the essential information on your website and wondering what extra details you could include to make sure you’ve covered off everything your guests could ever want or need, then join us in our latest YouTube video for your wedding website checklist:

We hope you found that helpful and gained a few extra nuggets for your website.  Got anything else you’ve decided to include that others might like?  Share by dropping it in the comments box!

Looking for more content like this?  Check out our Wedding Chat playlist on YouTube for all things wedding all the time!

And don’t forget, you can join the Society in all of these places:

— Rebecca and Laura, Bride Society

Bride Society

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