Worth It or Not Worth It?

Where to splurge and where to save when it comes to planning your wedding!


The champagne’s been drunk, the ring’s on your finger and now the wedding planning begins! Exciting times! But with the amount of inspiration and ideas in magazines, Pinterest and Instagram (to name but a few) it can be overwhelming deciding what you should spend your wedding budget and time on. What are the things that are must-haves and must dos and what you can leave on the reject pile.

First up, we’d recommend sitting down with your other half and working out your priorities for the non-negotiables. And don’t forget the bits you actually need to be legally married! Then comes the decisions for those extra, ‘nice to have’ bits you might want to include for either yourselves or your guests.

For this week’s video, we’re reflecting on our own experiences and sharing what we think are the ‘worth it’ items or aspects of wedding that weren’t ‘worth it’ for us (spoiler – wedding hashtags).

BUT big disclaimer, these are just our personal opinions, everyone has different priorities so what may not have been worth it for us, may be completely worth it for you and your guests!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Is there anything you’re planning to completely forget about as you don’t think it’ll be missed? Or do you disagree with any of our choices? Let us know in the comments below, or over on Instagram.

-Bride Society

Bride Society

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